Cafés Illes Balears

Sales Conditions

These general terms and conditions govern the use of all the services and sections on our website. They are aimed at Internet users and are disclosed for public knowledge.

Whoever visits the website becomes a User and expresses full acceptance of the general conditions, without exceptions, as well as being subject to all the specific conditions, notices or regulations of instructions that, in relation to specific contents or services, complete the provisions of these general conditions as long as the User does not explicitly object to these conditions.

The User must read these terms carefully, both before accessing and using any service on the website, under the User’s sole responsibility. These general terms and conditions may be updated or altered from time to time and without any prior notice.

Below is the contractual document that will rule the contracting of products and services through the website, owned by RAMIS VIDAL SL (hereinafter the Provider) The acceptance of this document implies that the User:

Has read and understood the content herein.

That the User is a person with enough capacity to purchase products or services.

That the User accepts all of the obligations stated herein.

The present conditions will have an indefinite period of validity and will apply to all the contracts made through the website owned by the Provider.

The Provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Conditions, without this affecting the goods acquired or promotions applied before the modification.

On the one hand, the supplier of the goods or services contracted by the User is RAMIS VIDAL SL, with registered office at Calle Andreu Bibiloni, 14, 07198, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands with CIF B57271199, with customer service telephone number +34 971 42 90 57.

The User purchasing products and/or services via this website is a registered User, with an associated user ID and password which the User shall be held solely responsible for, and the User being liable for the truthfulness of the personal data entered on the website.

This contractual document regulates all purchase transactions between the service Provider and the User of this website, as of the moment the latter checks the corresponding box in the online purchase process.

The contractual relationship between purchase and sale involves the delivery of a specific product or service in exchange for a certain price publicly displayed on the website.

The scope of the services offered covers Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla), France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

We should be able to contact those people who have placed an order to follow up on it.

As a general rule, we send information only to those people who have expressly requested it.

Notwithstanding, we may send newsletters via e-mail about our content and services, which may contain advertisements. For the purposes of sending all kinds of advertising information, the Provider assumes that the User gives express acceptance upon providing their contact details through our website.


In order to access the services offered by the Provider, the User must either register through the website by creating a user account or make the purchase as a guest user, without creating an account. In order to do so, the User must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data required.

If the User creates an account, the User must select a username and password, undertaking to make diligent use of them, and not make them available to third parties, as well as to communicate to the Provider the loss or theft of this information or its possible access by an unauthorized third party, in such a way that the Provider can immediately block that account.

The User may not choose as a username words that have the purpose of confusing others by impersonating an integral member of the Provider, or words that are offensive, insulting and, in general, contrary to the law, immoral or contrary to good manners.

Once the user account has been created, we inform you that by the requirements of article 27 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, the contracting procedure will follow these steps:

  1. Choose the desired product if stock is available in our store.
  2. Add to the shopping cart the products and quantity you wish to purchase by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button. You can, at any time, view the contents of your shopping cart by clicking on “Shopping Cart” or “Cart”.
  3. Review your shopping cart to add or remove products until you select what you wish to purchase. If you have a coupon, you can apply it by entering the code and clicking on “Apply coupon”.
  4. Then, indicate if you want the order to be sent to a specific address or if you prefer to pick it up in one of our stores with an online order collection point (only for Mallorca).
  5. Check that the billing and shipping details are correct.
  6. Indicate if you want to pay by card through the Redsys or Stripe payment gateway, by bank transfer, or by PayPal.
  7. Accept the Terms and Conditions and click on “Place Order”.
  8. If you have selected the card payment and the purchase summary that appears is correct, enter your card details in the payment gateway and click “Pay”.
  9. If you have selected payment by bank transfer, enter the amount requested in the account number provided, indicating the order number in the “Description” field.
  10. If you have selected PayPal payment, log in to your PayPal account or create an account and pay with your account or credit card.

In any case, once the contracting procedure has been completed, the Provider’s contracting platform will inform the User via email about all the characteristics, price, delivery mode, date of contracting, and estimated delivery of the product or service.

Orders will be delivered either to the delivery address designated by the User or to the store. Therefore, the Provider does not assume any responsibility for missed delivery of the product or service resulting from false, inaccurate or incomplete data provided by the User, or from unsuccessful delivery owing to reasons beyond the control of the Provider or of the shipping company assigned for this purpose, such as the recipient being away from home.

The estimated delivery time is between two and seven working days, depending on the recipient’s region or country. Due to the nature of the product and its exclusivity, this timeframe may vary. In this case, the Provider will inform the User of the new expected delivery dates. The User has the right to refuse the purchase.

The prices indicated for each product include Value Added Tax (VAT) or other taxes that may be applicable, and, in any case, the prices are shown in euros (€). Unless expressly indicated otherwise, these prices do not include shipping costs, handling, packaging, shipping insurance or any other services purchased in addition to the product or service.

The prices charged will be those published on the website for each item, and they will be automatically applied by the contract process at the end of the purchasing session. The User should assume that in any case, the price of some of the products may vary in real time. In any case, this will always be communicated to the User in due course.

When you make your payment to the service Provider, an invoice will be issued in the name of the registered User who placed the order The invoice will be sent with your order.

For any information about the order, the User may contact the Provider at the customer service telephone number +34 971 42 90 57 or via email at info[@] . In any case, you must include in the subject of the email or tell the customer service agent who takes your call the order number assigned to you, which you can find in the purchase confirmation email.


We do not offer returns or exchanges on coffee packages. All our coffee is completely fresh and its type of grinding customized. We offer returns only to customers who receive erroneous orders or damaged coffee packages (and notify us within 24 hours of order receipt) and when the damage can be proven.

For other types of products, the User may return them within 14 working days from the order received date without the need to specify the reason. However, article 103 of the General Law for Consumer and User Protection includes these exceptions:

Products that have been unsealed and cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons.
Products that expire quickly.

Unless the reason for the product return is product defects, shipping costs will be borne by the User. In any case, the product must be returned in its original packaging and in perfect condition.

If the rejected product meets the return conditions, the User will be issued a refund equal to the amount paid, which is the sales price plus shipping costs, except for the cost of collecting the product, which will be borne by the User.

The refund will be made using the same means of payment used by the customer, within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the day the User notifies the Provider that the User rejects the product and if the Provider has received the returned product and has had sufficient time to verify the condition of the said product.

To start a return process you must communicate to the Provider that you want to exercise your right to reject the product by sending a message to the email address info[@] indicating your reasons and order number.

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by or interpreted in accordance with Spanish law in all matters not explicitly stated.

In general, the relations between Ramis Vidal, SL and the Users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and the jurisdiction and courts of Palma de Mallorca.

In the event that the User’s address is outside Spain, the Provider and the User expressly waive any other forum, submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca.

The User expressly agrees to exempt Ramis Vidal SL from any liability related to the quality, accuracy, updating and reliability, or correctness of the data, programs, information or opinions, whatever the origin, that circulate through its network or through the networks that can be accessed through it.

For the purpose of the efficiency of the services that we provide, the User undertakes to provide updated information, to fill out correctly, truthfully and accurately the order forms and the fields contained therein, and to appropriately communicate any changes that may occur to this information before the order is fulfilled. Otherwise, the Provider will not guarantee the provision of all the services offered through its website.

The User of the service expressly acknowledges the exclusive ownership of Ramis Vidal SL of any copyright, intellectual and industrial property rights, derived from the use of trademarks, distinctive signs and trade names, of the page that supports all the services and contents of its website Thus, the User undertakes to use said information exclusively for the User’s own needs and not to carry out or suggest activities prohibited by law, nor to carry out or suggest, directly or indirectly, a commercial exploitation of the services and content to which the User has access or of the results obtained thanks to the use of the website.

The reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation or alteration, by any means and in any form, of the content and other elements of this website is prohibited. In respect of the content, any use for commercial or advertising purposes, regardless of the means or the form by or in which such use is made, is prohibited, except with prior written authorization from the legitimate owners or, where appropriate, as permitted by law.

The website is updated regularly. Notwithstanding, it is possible that data is not updated in spite of careful review. The Provider is not responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented on these pages, and it does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the website, in its content, or that it is updated, although it will make its best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid, correct or update them.

Ramis Vidal SL is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur or for possible damage that may be caused to the User’s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses, a malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions thereof. In no case will Ramis Vidal SL be responsible for the inadequate functioning of the service or for the damage caused to the User in the event of Ramis Vidal SL’s inability to provide the services and/or content


Artisanal coffee roasters

Our Coffees

The treatment we use, together with the attention we dedicate it, is the basis for achieving the different balanced and perfectly flavoured blends that we present here.

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