Illes CoffeeLab

Cafés Illes Balears

Workshop Laboratory

In our laboratory-workshop we carry out all the necessary tastings and tests to ensure our coffees have the best organoleptic properties and the best roast for an ideal brew.

TWe also run different courses (introductory and coffee experience), tastings and sensory experiences that all coffee lovers enjoy, so that they can learn more about botany, history and coffee-making.

All these activities are carried out on demand for groups.

If you are interested, please request free information about these activities.




'RESPONSIBLE: Cafès Illes Balears, Ramis Vidal, SL MAIN PURPOSE: Sending the requested information LEGAL JUSTIFICATION: Consent of the interested party. . RECIPIENTS: No data will be transferred to third parties, unless expressly authorized or legally required. RIGHTS: Access, rectify and delete data, data portability, limitation or opposition to its processing, transparency and right not to be subject to automated decisions. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can consult the additional and detailed information in our Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.

Our Coffees

The treatment we use, together with the attention we dedicate it, is the basis for achieving the different balanced and perfectly flavoured blends that we present here.

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